町屋高架下保育園 / Nursery School Under Elevated Railway in Machiya
The nursery school is located under the elevated railway line in Machiya, downtown Tokyo. The initiative aims to solve the shortage of nursery schools by using areas under elevated railway lines as nursery schools. There is a shortage of nursery schools in urban areas in Japan, but there are no sites on which to build them. This architecture overturns the conventional image of under elevated railway lines and creates a new model for nursery schools using the elevated railway lines.
園庭は高架橋と建築を重ね合わせることで生まれた独特の半屋外空間となっている。 夏季の都市気候はヒートアイランド現象により厳しさを増している。高架橋が第一の「屋根」として強い日差しから園庭を守る。建築の屋根は風雨から日常の動線を守り、反射光によって園庭を照らすライトシェルフの働きをしている。高架下特有の暗さが覆され、高架の天井が明るく照らされる夏期にも利用しやすい園庭になった。
The nursery school is located under the elevated railway in Machiya, downtown Tokyo. The project is an initiative to solve the shortage of nursery schools by using under elevated railways as nursery schools. This is because there is a shortage of nursery schools in urban areas in Japan, but there are no sites on which to build them.
The elevated railway was built in 1931. Shops and houses were built under the elevated railway, forming a downtown landscape where life overflowed into the streets, but they were evicted to make way for seismic reinforcement of the elevated structure. After seismic reinforcement, the area remained vacant for a long time but has begun to be re-used, starting with plans for a nursery school.
In recent years, nursery schools have been closed to the town, and the children and the people of the town have become estranged. We wanted to create a nursery school architecture that is open to the town so that the people of the town can look forward to watching the children’s growth. The old elevated structure crossing the town is low at a height of about 3.9 m under the girders. The span is also short at about 6 m, giving it a heavy impression. We created a large 70 m long roof to harmonize between the scale of the elevated structure and the scale of the architecture. The horizontally extending roof creates the facade of the nursery school about the street. On the inside, the roof is superimposed on the elevated structure to form a soft and sheltered nursery school space from the station area’s hustle and bustle.
The nursery rooms are distributed in three clusters under the large roof, across a large and a small playground. Each room was connected by a semi-outdoor space under the eaves along the street. The activities of the nursery school appear in the street, with a washing area, play equipment, a bicycle parking area, and an entrance porch between each elevated structure on the axis of this 39 m long eaves space.
The playground is a unique semi-outdoor space created by the superimposition of the elevated structure and the architecture. The urban climate in summer is becoming increasingly severe due to the heat island effect. The elevated structure protects the playground from strong sunlight as the primary ‘roof’. The roof of the architecture protects the movement of people from rain and acts as a light shelf to illuminate the playground with reflected light. The darkness inherent under the elevated structure is overturned, making the playground more accessible in the summer months, with the elevated ceiling brightly illuminated.
The nursery school was connected to the town through deep eaves. The sense of security created by the eaves made the place boldly open to the town yet protected. Many people in the town enjoy the seasonal flowers and plants planted along the nursery school. The nursery was created with a downtown-like distance, where walking along the street gives a glimpse of the nursery’s daily life like a picture scroll, and communication naturally takes place.
敷地面積: 737.79m2
建築面積: 460.46m2
延床面積: 397.81m2
園児定員: 60名
設計監理: 秋山隆浩建築設計事務所 + Atelier HMC
設備設計: 環境エンジニアリング
植栽設計: 温室
施工: 塚本建設(建築工事)、アミックス(内装工事)
遊具: 中村製作所
撮影:石田篤 (一部、秋山隆浩建築設計事務所)
Name of building: Manabinomorihoikuen Machiya
Location: Machiya, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
Principal use: Nursery School
Main structure: Steel
Site area: 737.79m2
Building area: 460.46m2
Total floor area: 397.81m2
No. of Children: 60 children
Architect: Takahiro Akiyama Architects + Atelier HMC
Structural engineer: TECTONICA
Mechanical engineer: KANKYO ENGINEERING INC.
Garden designer: Onshitsu
Constructor: Tsukamoto Kensetsu Co.Ltd, Amix Co.Ltd
Photography: Atsushi Ishida, Takahiro Akiyama Architects